Flora & fauna

‘In a world of increasing ecological fragility, there has been no more important moment to focus on the health of nature and what it means to us as human beings, and how we relate to it.’ – Lord Edward Manners.


Haddon’s Medieval park is buzzing with fly life.

Haddon’s Medieval park is buzzing with fly life, from bees to butterflies, dragonflies to moths, all the thousands of little flying creatures that enjoy the Derbyshire River Wye, and the multitude of other habitats that exist within it.

To date, we have not scientifically investigated this dimension of biodiversity which exists within the park but it is our focus for this year and next.


We are regularly asked whether we keep hives in the park and on the wider Haddon Estate but with such strong evidence of the health of our bees, particularly of the regularly swarming colonies found with the masonry of the Hall itself, we have taken the step to ban the introduction of any new bees to the territory for biosecurity purposes.