Whilst the Government has now lifted Covid-19 restrictions, the safety of our staff, visitors and the wider community remain a priority and we would like to reassure our visitors that, in line with other similar heritage attractions, we will be maintaining measures to help reduce the transmission of Covid-19 and continuing to follow Government guidance for the heritage and tourism sector.
1) The Hall and Gardens will be open for visitors to enjoy without social distancing. However, we would ask visitors to kindly be aware of their proximity to others when navigating narrow passages and doorways and to stand back to allow others to safely move through where appropriate.
2) The Hall will be thoroughly cleaned regularly, but in light of the ancient nature of the building and its artefacts we would ask visitors to please avoid touching surfaces wherever possible.
3) Payment in our Car Park, Ticket Office and Restaurant will be contactless wherever possible – please be prepared to pay by card when you arrive. Screens will be retained in these locations for the safety of all.
4) Our staff may choose to wear a facemask inside the Hall and we would politely request that visitors, wherever possible, do the same.
5) All doors and as many windows as possible will remain open within the Hall to promote good ventilation and the free flow of air.
6) We will retain hand sanitizer stations, located near the Ticket Office and near the entrances to the Hall from the Lower Courtyard and Gardens.
7) Our Stableblock and Lower Courtyard unisex toilets will be cleaned regularly. Paper towels will be provided for hand drying and can be disposed of in the bins provided. Public information posters will be displayed within the toilets and we would politely request that for the safety of all, visitors and staff wash their hands both before and after using the facilities.
8) Covid-aware first aid will be available to all visitors, staff and artisans.
9) Due to Covid practicalities we regret that the accessibility buggy will not be available at the present time.
10) Although self-isolation for those testing positive for Covid-19 and their contacts is no longer mandatory, if you are aware these circumstances apply to you, in the interests of all we would politely request that you defer your visit until another occasion. Equally, we ask our staff to avoid coming to work in such circumstances.
11) Finally, in case of any last-minute changes to our status, we suggest you check our website before you visit.