‘We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the many ecologists, many of whom are volunteers, who are working so hard to record the ecology within the Medieval Park.’ – Lord and Lady Edward Manners
Water Voles and Hares
Christine Gregory – writer, artist and photographer
Dr Deborah Dawson, University of Sheffield’s Dept of Animal & Plant Sciences
Dr Douglas Ross, BVM&S BSc MRCVS
Hazel Robson MCIEEM and Celia Barlow GradCIEEM of the Bat Conservation Trust
Mark Powell, member of the British Lichen Society
Mosses and Liverworts (Bryophytes)
Tom Blockeel BA (Hons), Sorby Botanical Group & British Bryological Society
Dr Geoff Mawson OBE
Ken Orpe, Derbyshire Butterfly Recorder for East Midlands Butterfly Conservation, and volunteers Christine Gregory, Roderick Dunn, Steve Orridge, Tony Pioli
Coleoptera (Beetles)
Thomas Eccles and Graham Maynard
Derek Whiteley BSc (Hons) and Dr Ralph Atherton of the Sorby Invertebrate Group
Diptera Invertebrates (True Flies)
Rob Foster, Sorby Invertebrate Group
Saproxylic Invertebrates
Andy Jukes BSc (Hons) of Conops Entomology Ltd
Derek Whiteley BSc (Hons) FRES, Sorby Invertebrate Group
Hemiptera Invertebrates (True Bugs)
Jim Flanagan, Sorby Invertebrate Group
Hymenoptera Invertebrates (includes Bees and Ants)
Dr Jane Hewitt, Sorby Invertebrate Group
With thanks to Dr Timothy King for his kind advice on Yellow Meadow Ants.
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust ℅ Penny Anderson Associates Ltd, MCIEEM
Sorby Natural History Society
Chris Burnett BSc CMLI
Katharine Longden BSc of Penny Anderson Associates Ltd MCIEEM
Derbyshire Wye
Dr Nick Everall, MIFM C Env, of Aquascience Consultancy Ltd
Paul Hancock, Sorby Natural History Society – aquatic fauna
Stuart Crofts, Sorby Invertebrate Group – riverflies