Parkland Tours

A medieval park with ancient ecology, now available to be enjoyed through guided walks and talks.

Wildlife Walk: Dawn Chorus at Haddon Medieval Park

Walk commences at 7.00 am
Duration 2-3 hours

Dawn Chorus Walk: £38.50 per person (not suitable for children under 12 yrs)
Places limited, booking is essential
Parking: £3.80 (contactless payment at exit barrier when leaving)
Your ticket for this walk entitles you to discounted admission to Haddon Hall and its beautiful gardens: £13.00 per person (usually £26.00) on the day of your walk.  This can be purchased at the Ticket Office after your walk – please simply show your booking reference to our staff.

Unfortunately we are not able to offer a refund or alternative date for this event

Toilets are available in the Stable Block at the start and finish of your walk
Please note, dogs are not permitted on this walk

It was a fabulous walk.  Such a beautiful area to walk around and Jack’s expertise and enthusiasm made the walk extremely enjoyable.  I am a newbie to bird watching but I did not feel conscious of that at all.”  Attendee on 2023 Bird Walk

Join us for the unforgettable experience of a Dawn Chorus Walk with BBC Springwatch’s bird expert Jack Baddams in the beautiful surroundings of Haddon Medieval Park as the wildlife wakes up on a spring morning.

The Medieval Park at Haddon Hall is a rare treasure, comprising 187 hectares of organic ancient pasture, woodlands, water meadows and river banks. Largely untouched for over 900 years with a diverse range of habitats, it is home to an incredible variety of wildlife. A recent survey found 58 different species of birds making their homes here, including 12 species on the Conservation Red List and 11 on the Conservation Amber List.

In this exclusive, one-off event, Jack will take you behind the scenes into the private parkland that surrounds Haddon Hall. For approximately 2-3 hours, walking at a gentle pace with plenty of opportunities for observation, he will escort you around the different habitats within the Medieval Park to discover and appreciate its rich bird life.

Jack Baddams has had a love of birds since before he can remember, being fascinated by them his whole life. As an ornithologist, he’s worked on scientific expeditions across the world to publish research on the birds of underexplored regions. Closer to home, Jack is a licensed bird ringer with the British Trust for Ornithology and works with organisations like the RSPB and local landowners to survey bird populations. His job as the wildlife researcher with BBC Springwatch has seen him working across the UK to produce one of the nation’s most popular nature programmes. Jack loves sharing his passion with others – regularly giving talks, leading walks or posting on social media to teach and inspire others to enjoy the wonder of birds.

This walk takes place within the unspoilt, natural landscape of the Haddon Medieval Park.  There are few paths, the terrain is uneven in places and may be wet and/or muddy.  For your safety and comfort you are advised to wear walking boots or other stout footwear and to have warm, waterproof clothing available with you to wear if required on the day of your visit. Please bear in mind that we cannot guarantee good weather, nor can we guarantee what species you will see. Nature is unpredictable!  The walk will go ahead unless it is deemed unsafe to proceed because of particularly heavy rain, high winds or stormy weather.


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