
‘Look closely at nature. Every species is a masterpiece, exquisitely adapted to the particular environment in which it has survived.’ – E.O Wilson


There are a number of woodlands positioned throughout Haddon’s Medieval Park.

Some of these are of mixed planting including Sycamore, Beech, Oak, Ash, Horse Chestnut, Lime, Birch, Yew and Scot’s Pine; others of block Poplar planting from several decades ago; and others of Poplar, Alder, Oak, and Ash created by natural succession are found near to the Derbyshire Wye River. Their understory supports a wide range of species, including Hawthorn, Wych Elm and Hazel and good ground flora.

Despite Haddon not being formally lived in for hundreds of years until its present owner, Lord Edward Manners, the family has, over the last two hundred years, planted hundreds of trees within the Medieval Park and developed its woodland areas significantly, adding Cherry, Holm Oak, and Hornbeam into the woodland mix.

Woodlands provide essential oxygen for us all, are a biodiversity hub and a home for woodland birds. They also play an essential role in water management.